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검색 연산자 기능 검색식 예
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" " 쌍따옴표 안의 구문이 일치하는 문서만 검색 "해외 오픈액세스 동향"
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Sites & Events


번호 제목 행사기간 행사기관
73 Open Science in allen Facetten 2021.05.26 ~ 2021.05.26 FDM
72 EUA webinar series II : Universities and the future of scholarly publishing 2021.05.25 ~ 2021.05.25 European University Association
71 The 5th session of 'Voices from the OA Books Community' 2021.05.25 ~ 2021.05.25 Open Access Books Network (OABN)
70 SSP 43rd Annual Meeting 2021.05.24 ~ 2021.05.27 Society for Scholarly Publishing
69 Exploring DORA : responsible metrics, research evaluation and you 2021.05.24 ~ 2021.05.24 The University of Sussex
68 Workshop: Measuring usage and impact with digital collections 2021.05.24 ~ 2021.05.24 JISC
67 Exploring DORA: responsible metrics, research evaluation and you 2021.05.24 ~ 2021.05.24 University Of Sussex
66 NASIG 36th Annual Conference 2021.05.17 ~ 2021.05.21 NASIG
65 Workshop: Maximising the use of digital collections in learning and research 2021.05.13 ~ 2021.05.13 Jisc
64 Scholarly Communication Off-Roadshow: A Three-Part Webcast Series(Webcast Three) 2021.05.13 ~ 2021.05.13 ACRL(Association of College & Research Libraries)