Search Tip
Operator Description Example
( ) Use Parentheses to override operator precedence. The expression inside the parentheses is executed first. ((Open access AND Trends) AND Global) NOT Policy
" " Search for Articles that exactly match the search keyword in " " "Global Open access Trends"
(Capital letter)
Finds records containing all terms separated by the operator Open access AND Trends
(Capital letter)
Finds records containing any of the terms separated by the operator Open access OR Trends
(Capital letter)
Excludes records containing certain words from your search (Open access AND Trends) NOT Policy
Search Tip
Operator Description Example
( ) Use Parentheses to override operator precedence. The expression inside the parentheses is executed first. ((Open access AND Trends) AND Global) NOT Policy
" " Search for Articles that exactly match the search keyword in " " "Global Open access Trends"
(Capital letter)
Finds records containing all terms separated by the operator Open access AND Trends
(Capital letter)
Finds records containing any of the terms separated by the operator Open access OR Trends
(Capital letter)
Excludes records containing certain words from your search (Open access AND Trends) NOT Policy
Reset Search


AccessON SearchAPI help users to provide AccessON’s discovery function on website of library, academic society, journal and etc. to expand the use of open access articles.

  • Support for academic research activities
Applicable to
  • Libraries, academic societies, research support institutions, etc.
Usage Guide
  • Embed AccessON search functionality in platforms and pages currently in service
  • Provision of search box HTML tags
  • Provides the ability to set desired search conditions (specific academic journal (ISSN : (P)ISSN or (E)ISSN), language (Korean/English)) and call up search results
  • Obtain a service key through application for use

Using SearchAPI

Step 1

Log in.

Step 2

Sign up for SearchAPI

Step 3

Admin approval

Step 4

Check your API key.

  • Log in and check your application to see if your SearchAPI is authorized.
  • AccessON SearchAPI is for academic research and searches.
  • Using APIs for commerical purposes such as re-processing data for building DB is prohibited.
  • Provides search box and result box as HTML tags.
  • Sign up to get an API key.
  • Authorized users can use the provided HTML tag by embedding it on the site.
SearchAPI example (Search bar HTML tag)
Code copy
<div style="width: 1350px;">
   <form name="koar_search_form" method="post" target="koar_search_form" action="">
      <div style="background: #fff; border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 0 1px 1px 0 #999, 0 1px 1px 0 transparent; padding: 10px 0 10px 0; border: 1px solid #e5e5e5; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 20px 0 0 0;" id="koar_journal_area">
         <h3 style="text-indent: -9999px; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: 40px; background: url( no-repeat 0 0; margin: 0px 10px 10px 20px; box-sizing: border-box;">AccessON 국가 오픈액세스 플랫폼</h3>
         <div style="margin: 0 auto; position: relative; width: 590px; background:#fff url( no-repeat 22px 50%; height: 40px; border-radius: 28px; border:1px solid #fe8415; padding: 14px 60px 0 64px;">
            <input type="text" onkeypress="event.keyCode == 13?document.querySelector('#accessOnSearch').onclick():''" name="searchApiKeyword" title="검색" style="width: 100%; border:0px; background: #fff; height: 26px; font-size: 16px; outline: none;" placeholder="제목, 초록, 저자, 키워드 등으로 검색어를 입력하세요.">
            <button id="accessOnSearch" onclick="document.querySelector('input[name=keywords]').value=document.querySelector('input[name=searchApiKeyword]').value;document.querySelector('form[name=koar_search_form]').action='';document.querySelector('form[name=koar_search_form]').submit()" style="display: block; width: 40px; height: 40px; text-indent: -9999px; overflow: hidden; background: #28396c; position: absolute; right:0; top:0; border:0px; outline: none; background: url( no-repeat 0% 15px; background-size: 25px auto; cursor: pointer;">검색</button>
      <input type="hidden" name="keywords" value="" />
      <!-- Required -->
      <input type="hidden" name="code" value="[Service KEY]" />
      <!-- Specify multiple ISSNs ((P)ISSN or (E)ISSN) with "," separators to limit results to specific journals -->
      <input type="hidden" name="preFilterISSN" value="1111-2222,3333-4444" />
      <!-- Language Setting(ko/en) -->
      <input type="hidden" name="language" value="ko" />
SearchAPI example (Search result HTML tag)
Code copy
<!-- A minimum width of 1350px is recommended. -->
<iframe name="koar_search_form" src="" width="1350px;" height="600px;" style="border:0px;"></iframe>
SearchAPI example (Utilization of search results)

※  For more information for using SearchAPI, please contact AccessON(