AccessON’s Journal Repository supports the online publication, distribution and archiving of open access journals.
How to Apply for Journal Repository
An application is required from a academic society (institution) to use the journal repository.
Service for: Academic Societies (Institutions)
* Commercial use is not permitted. For related inquiries, please contact the AccessON Secretariat.
Step 1
Apply for AccessON journal publication support service.
Step 2
AccessON reviews applications.
Step 3
AccessON sends the journal URL and admin information to the academic society(institute).
※ Inquiry: AccessON Operations Team
※ KISTI does not allow the use of Journal Repository for any commercial purpose, as it is the distributor of the service.
KISTI may refuse to approve the use of ACOMS+ service if the journal is being used for commercial purposes or is subject to suspicion or confirmation as a "Predatory Journal". Even if the ACOMS+ service is being used, the service may be immediately discontinued without prior notice to the academic society if the journal is being used for commercial purposes or is subject to suspicion or confirmation as a "Predatory Journal".
For commercial use, contact:
Journal Manager
Manage basic journal information and open access policies
Register article information by volume and issue and manage volumes and issues
Article registration by importing external data, uploading Excel file, linking to ACOMS+, etc.
Easy website management such as menu configuration, contents editing and design change
Monitor statistics via dashboard
Request DOI issuance
Check journal information such as the purposes and scope of journals, submission and open access policies
Check and downloads the metadata of the back and latest issues
Online Service Platform of the Open Access Journal
Open access journals can use Journal Repository as their journal homepage. Academic societies are able to manage article information(e.g., fulltexts, metadata, etc.) and monitor article & journal use statistics. Societies can also choose the website design and menu configuration freely.
Journal Publishing and Digital Archiving
You can make their articles public in their Jounal Repository. You are able to not only import back issues easily register the past but also publish new issues with ACOMS+. DOIs are also be issued for the new issue during importing process.
Make Journals More Accessible and Citable
Articles indexed in Journal Repository are indexed in AccessON, ScienceON and web portals (e.g., Google Scholar, NAVER, etc.) as well. Journal Repository guarantees permanent access as a DOI landing page. With the journal repository, prepare for indexing in international OA Journal DBs (e.g., DOAJ, SHERPA/ROMEO, etc.)